Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, We have a lot of exciting things happening in the coming week. Meet our new CWNK news reporters, Liam True and Kahari Campbell, as they tell you more about what's ahead. You can find this week's' news report at https://youtu.be/T1lNoE1pI7w. Highlights Include: -Valentine Spirit Week (see poster of dress-up days) -Valentine Parties (Friday, February 14th, see messages from classroom teachers) -Cardinal Literacy Night (Thursday, February 27th, see flyer for more information) Have a fabulous week!
about 21 hours ago, Sara Bennis
Mrs. Trusty's first grade class was working hard today planning their informational paragraphs about animals! They used details in their texts to find descriptive words they can use to describe reef sharks, river otters, chimpanzees, and puffins. Next, they will use these to write their first drafts. Good work, first grade!
2 days ago, Ryanne Trusty
It was a great week of celebrating Mrs. Fuerste and all of our Maquoketa School Counselors. Thank you all for all you do to support students and staff. Today we certainly TEAMED up to support one another! 😊
3 days ago, Sara Bennis
Don't forget to help us celebrate Valentine Spirit Week at Cardinal and Brigg's Elementaries!
3 days ago, Sara Bennis
Maquoketa Families, Due to icy road conditions, Maquoketa CSD will have a 2 hour delay, tomorrow, Thursday, February 6th. All morning activities and morning preschool will be cancelled. Please stay tuned for any additional weather updates.
5 days ago, Maquoketa CSD
Icy Cardinal
Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, Please join us in celebrating Valentine Spirit Week with some fun dress-up days for our Cardinal and Briggs students. Happy Valentine's Day!
5 days ago, Sara Bennis
Maquoketa Families, Due to the expected forecast of freezing rain, we will. not have practices and/or events after school today. If your child is in an activity/sport please remember to check Rooms in our district app for any messages and/or updates about the rest of the week.
5 days ago, Maquoketa CSD
Cardinal Elementary National School Counseling Week Staff & Student Dress Up Days for the rest of this week! See below: Wednesday -  Mrs. Fuerste SUPPORTS us - Show how we support each other by wearing your favorite MCSD/Cardinal gear.  Thursday - Mrs. Fuerste Sprinkles Kindness Like Confetti - Wear a positive message related to kindness and/or caring for others. Friday - Mrs. Fuerste Teams Up to Help All - Wear your favorite NFL gear as we celebrate the upcoming Super Bowl and show Mrs. Fuerste we appreciate how she "cheers us on!"
6 days ago, Taylor Fuerste
Cardinal Elementary National School Counseling Week Staff & Student Dress Up Days for the rest of this week! See below:

Wednesday -  Mrs. Fuerste SUPPORTS us - Show how we support each other by wearing your favorite MCSD/Cardinal gear. 

Thursday - Mrs. Fuerste Sprinkles Kindness Like Confetti - Wear a positive message related to kindness and/or caring for others.

Friday - Mrs. Fuerste Teams Up to Help All - Wear your favorite NFL gear as we celebrate the upcoming Super Bowl and show Mrs. Fuerste we appreciate how she "cheers us on!"
National School Counseling Week Staff & Student Dress Up Days for the rest of this week! See below: Wednesday -  Mrs. Fuerste SUPPORTS us - Show how we support each other by wearing your favorite MCSD/Cardinal gear.  Thursday - Mrs. Fuerste Sprinkles Kindness Like Confetti - Wear a positive message related to kindness and/or caring for others. Friday - Mrs. Fuerste Teams Up to Help All - Wear your favorite NFL gear as we celebrate the upcoming Super Bowl and show Mrs. Fuerste we appreciate how she "cheers us on!"
6 days ago, Taylor Fuerste
National School Counseling Week Staff & Student Dress Up Days for the rest of this week! See below:

Wednesday -  Mrs. Fuerste SUPPORTS us - Show how we support each other by wearing your favorite MCSD/Cardinal gear. 

Thursday - Mrs. Fuerste Sprinkles Kindness Like Confetti - Wear a positive message related to kindness and/or caring for others.

Friday - Mrs. Fuerste Teams Up to Help All - Wear your favorite NFL gear as we celebrate the upcoming Super Bowl and show Mrs. Fuerste we appreciate how she "cheers us on!"
Today we wore green for National School Counselor Week and in recognition of mental health awareness. We greatly appreciate Mrs. Fuerste and all those that support the SEBH of our students! Tomorrow we plan to wear our Maquoketa gear. 😊
6 days ago, Sara Bennis
Hello Cardinal Elementary Families! National School Counseling Week 2025 (NSCW25) is Feb. 3-7, 2025 to focus on public attention to the unique contribution of school counselors within the U.S. school systems. This year's theme is School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive. In honor of National School Counseling Week 2025, please check out the NSCW Newsletter 2025 from our School Counselor, Mrs. Fuerste. The newsletter provides information about the role of the School Counselor and updates for Kindness Month activities happening in the month of February at our school.
8 days ago, Taylor Fuerste
Hello Cardinal Elementary Families! National School Counseling Week 2025 (NSCW25) is Feb. 3-7, 2025 to focus on public attention to the unique contribution of school counselors within the U.S. school systems. This year's theme is School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive. In honor of National School Counseling Week 2025, please check out the NSCW Newsletter 2025 from our School Counselor, Mrs. Fuerste. The newsletter provides information about the role of the School Counselor and updates for Kindness Month activities happening in the month of February at our school.
Hello Maquoketa Elementary Families, Help Cardinal and Briggs Elementaries celebrate National School Counselor Week and Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 9th) as we Team Up to support one another on Friday, February 7th. We encourage students and staff to wear their favorite NFL colors or apparel.
8 days ago, Sara Bennis
Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, Happy first week of February! Watch this weeks CWNK newscast (https://youtu.be/UTy347gkZXc?si=J3GzKsRqUz9ktSqv) to learn more about what is happening this week. Highlights Include: -New focus habit - Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. -High Hopes and Count on Me Award Winners Have a great week!
8 days ago, Sara Bennis
Maquoketa Kiwanis Members helped Cardinal 2nd graders set a goal, plan action steps, encouraged them to achieve their goals , and rewarded them with a pizza party! Congratulations to these Terrific Kids who achieved their goals! Thank you to our Kiwanis Club for your continued support!!!
11 days ago, Andrea Dostal
Happy 100th day of learning from Cardinal Elementary!
11 days ago, Sara Bennis
2nd Graders are working on writing a persuasive friendly letter. So far they have written a letter to Mrs. Bennis to persuade her into letting them have french fries every day and a letter to Mrs. Johnson to persuade her to letting them have a piece of bubble gum. In their letter they have to include a greeting, an opening sentence, 3 reasons why, and a closing statement. They have been very creative on their reasons to persuade the audience.
14 days ago, Allison Johnson
2nd grade just finished their Knowledge unit all about life cycles. Marilyn did a great job of drawing the life cycle of a chicken! Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
14 days ago, Allison Johnson
Hello Cardinal Elementary Families, Welcome to our final week of January! Please see what's coming up this week at Cardinal on the CWNK news report (https://youtu.be/awakKK259kg). We hope you have a great week as well! Highlights Include: Kindergarten Leaders of the week. Habit Focus: Habit #5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. 100th Day Celebration, Thursday January 30th. Additional Information: Feb. 3rd, Vision Screening Feb. 17th NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
15 days ago, Sara Bennis
Congratulations to our kindergarten Leaders of the Week! Watch this week's edition of the CWNK news (airing at 4:00 pm on Sunday) for more information about these leaders! Thank you for being great role models for others at Cardinal Elementary. Conner Breitbach Za'Leah Frisch Sayven Spidle John Edwards
17 days ago, Sara Bennis
A big shout out and thank you to our Maquoketa Police Department, Assistant Chief Thomson, Taylor Marshall, and School Resource Officer James Tenney for providing lunch for two of our Cardinals Leaders, Liam Borushaski and Finley McAfee. As part of this honor these boys got to select a teacher that has made a positive IMPACT on their learning at Cardinal Elementary. Well deserved, Mrs. Allison Johnson & Mrs. Taylor Fuerste! We are proud of you all! ❤️👏
17 days ago, Sara Bennis